Samayaa V. Vidoni started her passionate inner search at an early age, dedicating years of her life to a profound analysis of her own childhood issues. After studying Psychology and Psychomotricity, she started working with troubled and abused children and teenagers.
Around 1996 she discovered meditation thanks to teachings of the Enlightened Master, Osho. This became a turning point in her personal and professional life and at this time she trained in Osho Co-dependency, Osho Childhood Deconditioning and Primal Therapy, gaining an even deeper understanding of the issues of the inner child.
An eager and conscientious seeker, another turning point in her journey came when Samayaa came across the ‘crystal sounds’. She immediately fell in love with them, devoting herself to an intensive study with Awhoshi Kavan.
She learned to perceive in a deep, yet subtle way the sounds of the crystal bowls and to feel the incredible healing power of their unique vibrations. Since then she has been advocating the benefit of the ‘crystal sounds’ in individual sessions and concerts. Samayaa is also a certified ‘Systemic Counselor’ and member of the FAIP (Federazione delle associazioni italiane di psicoterapia).
Stay updated here to find out where and when Samayaa is leading ‘Crystal Sound’ meditations or other events.